Cherie's story...
I found Dr. Bhakta after a desperate search for doctors who make house calls on the Central Coast. My father's Parkinson's had progressed to a stage where it was difficult for him to leave the house to see his doctor. In addition, my mother had stopped seeing doctors over twenty years ago except under emergency circumstances. Now, in her late 80s, she was complaining of of a number of health concerns.
Dr. Bhakta's visits dramatically decreased the trips to the emergency room and uncomfortable rides in the car. He was very responsive to my calls and was willing to look beyond medication for solutions to various health concerns.
His innovative treatment improved my mother's memory and her mood. Whereas before she was constantly complaining of stomach pain and not wanting to leave her house, she now rarely complains of pain and goes on daily excursions to the beach. I am able to have more meaningful conversations with her, and she remembers some of the details from past conversations. My parents adamantly wanted to stay in their home. Dr Bhakta's visits allowed them to do this and to have a higher quality of life.
Dr. Bhakta's visits dramatically decreased the trips to the emergency room and uncomfortable rides in the car. He was very responsive to my calls and was willing to look beyond medication for solutions to various health concerns.
His innovative treatment improved my mother's memory and her mood. Whereas before she was constantly complaining of stomach pain and not wanting to leave her house, she now rarely complains of pain and goes on daily excursions to the beach. I am able to have more meaningful conversations with her, and she remembers some of the details from past conversations. My parents adamantly wanted to stay in their home. Dr Bhakta's visits allowed them to do this and to have a higher quality of life.
David's Story...
Dr. Bhakta's personalized approach to treatment has been a lifesaver. He took the time to explain the science of diabetes in a way I understood so that I could begin the work to reverse it. We worked together in forming a solid nutrition plan low in sugar/carbs and high in healthy fats like those found in avocados. Now my Diabetes Type II is reversed -my blood sugar is consistently normal, and I eat a much healthier, fulfilling diet.
Beyond that, Dr. Bhakta has taken a personal interest in my wellbeing and calls often to check up. The term 'Concierge Doctor' is very appropriate for him: not only is Dr. Bhakta my personal lifeline for health monitoring and treatment, he also acts as a liaison between me and other doctors and specialists when needed. If like me you've ever felt treated like a number more than a person by other providers, make an appointment with Dr. Bhakta to see how healthcare should work.
Beyond that, Dr. Bhakta has taken a personal interest in my wellbeing and calls often to check up. The term 'Concierge Doctor' is very appropriate for him: not only is Dr. Bhakta my personal lifeline for health monitoring and treatment, he also acts as a liaison between me and other doctors and specialists when needed. If like me you've ever felt treated like a number more than a person by other providers, make an appointment with Dr. Bhakta to see how healthcare should work.
Lou and Sue's story...
My wife and I have been with Dr. Bhakta for over 10 years now and are pleased with his approach to medical cures and knowledge of things to come.
My wife has dementia, which Dr. Bhakta has prescribed medication to help her body's systems function better together, and perhaps this has helped her in having a longer life.
Dr. Bhakta also cured our usual aches and pains/rashes and sores/coughs and flu and has shown us how vitamins, herbal and dietary supplements could halt future symptoms from arising in our bodies.
We recommend Dr. Bhakta to anyone needing medical assistance, because he's proven great for us and most likely great for others too. He also makes home visits, which is a huge plus due to my wife's condition.
My wife has dementia, which Dr. Bhakta has prescribed medication to help her body's systems function better together, and perhaps this has helped her in having a longer life.
Dr. Bhakta also cured our usual aches and pains/rashes and sores/coughs and flu and has shown us how vitamins, herbal and dietary supplements could halt future symptoms from arising in our bodies.
We recommend Dr. Bhakta to anyone needing medical assistance, because he's proven great for us and most likely great for others too. He also makes home visits, which is a huge plus due to my wife's condition.
Jeffrey's story...
Dr. Bhakta has been my private physician for two years and I cannot speak highly enough of him. He's an excellent doctor, keeps up on news meds and ideas regarding health, and has a great sense of humor! I would highly recommend him to anyone.